Meet Vyvienn Steele: Creative Senior Designer
Meet Vyvienn Steele: Creative Senior Designer

Meet Vyvienn Steele, one of Catalyst's talented Senior Designers!
Get to know her design style and perspective with this quick Q&A.

Q: What experiences have shaped your design perspective?
A: Inspiration is everywhere; from the places I have explored to my colleagues encouraging my creative experimentation. The ability to provide 3D visuals has also made the design process more accessible, allowing clients to better understand the design and possibilities.
Q: Do you have any interests that feed into your practice?
A: I enjoy tactile mediums like pencils and watercolors. My use of colours to evoke emotions in my art mirrors the way I create ambiance in my designs.

Q: Can you share your thoughts on current design trends?
A: Design is all about the end-user and adapting to changing environments. With hybrid working, there's a shift towards decluttering spaces in order to accomodate decreasing office footprints, going paperless, and building strong connections that transcend the physical space.